Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kids just wanna have fun...

We had a wonderful evening with our Champions For Change children last night. This is a state-wide USDA funded program we deliver in partnership with Marin County Health & Human Services Nutrition Wellness Program. LIFT / Levántate delivers the physical activity and life skills mentoring to Latino families in the Canal area of San Rafael.

We began the evening with a little family hula-hooping and then some Zumba dancing that got everyone on their feet, parents and children alike. We then moved the children next door to our activity room for specialized physical activities that are non-competitive and non-skill based, yet fun and engaging. The goal is participation. Get up, get moving and have fun doing it!

Usually the children range in age from 6-14 years old, but this night we had the young ones. The age range was from 3-10 years old and they just about melted our hearts. They giggled and laughed and moved their bodies in many different directions. They Zumba danced (or something resembling Zumba dancing), they did Shape of Yoga which twisted their little bodies into fruit and vegetable shapes and then Power Up, a strength and coordination program geared for youth and families. We finished with some bunny hopping and side stepping and then a relaxing cool-down.

What made this an extra special evening, and they are always wonderful evenings, was the complete joy that comes from participating fully. They were not focused on "doing it right" or "doing it better" than the person next to them. They were literally "jumping for joy". They were happy being active, alive and part of a group that was sharing a healthy, positive experience together. These are not the kind of experiences one gets from hours of screen time sitting on a couch alone.

And their laughter...and their giggles...and their smiles...and their hugs. They didn't want to let go of the moment. And neither did we.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly we have fun every night that LIFT-Levantate comes to Champions for Change! Hope to have more classes in the future and during the summer we will feature our "Rethink your Drink" with our presentation "Drink Water said the Otter" Don't miss the fun Summer 2011.
    All events are free!
